Dolph-Froid P.
If you walk around the campus of Louverture Cleary, you will inevitably run into Dolph-Froid P., clipboard in hand, overseeing students with his characteristic focus. As a Louverturian, Dolph-Froid was an exemplary leader. Today, as one of several junior staff members who help LCS operate smoothly, Dolph-Froid is responsible for monitoring Silence Room, LCS’s equivalent of detention.
Dolph-Froid is one of Louverture Cleary’s best and brightest alumni: After graduating in 2015, Dolph-Froid took the national Baccalaureate exam and scored in the top 10 percent in the country. He then applied and was accepted to Groupe Olivier et Collaborateur, a university in Port-au-Prince, to study civil engineering. He excelled in math and physics while attending Louverture Cleary; three years into his five-year university program, Dolph-Froid continues to study these subjects.
Like his fellow Louverturians, Dolph-Froid is passionate about using his education to create solutions for his country. Since he enjoys applying his math skills to engineering and construction, he hopes to improve Haiti’s infrastructure by developing roads and buildings for the government after university. Dolph-Froid says, “I like to see the before and after change when I complete something. It shows that what I am doing is making an effect. Making an effect, especially with constructing roads is very important in Haiti. Haiti needs roads desperately.”
Dolph-Froid has been working as a Junior Staff member at Louverture Cleary for the past two years and has just recently entered his third year. He loves the opportunity to return to LCS and give back to the school where he learned so much, and he appreciates everything that Louverture Cleary and The Haitian Project has done for him. Dolph-Froid says that his formation at Louverture Cleary has helped him greatly in college.
Dolph-Froid attests, “In University, you need to already have good work and study habits. I have many new friends and they are struggling because their schools weren’t as motivating as LCS.”
“Students at LCS are motivated more than most in the country. Teachers and students motivate each other.”