Frank and Jill Dulcich Center for Career Advancement

Ensuring Haiti’s Future Leaders Can Work for Themselves—
and Haiti.

Young woman in white lab coat holding textbook

25 percent of Louverture Cleary students go on to study medicine and historically 90 percent of Louverture Cleary graduates remain in Haiti to build a brighter future for their country.

There is a pressing need to support Louverture Cleary School students after they graduate. The Frank and Jill Dulcich Center for Career Advancement, formerly known as the Office for External Affairs, provides post-secondary assistance to over one hundred of Louverture Cleary School alumni each year.

The Frank and JIll DULCICH CENTER for career advancement (DCCA):

  • Administers Louverture Cleary School’s university scholarship program for alumni to attend top schools in Haiti

Supporting over one hundred participants each year—50 percent of each graduating class—Louverture Cleary School’s university scholarship program is one of the largest of its kind in Haiti.

The DCCA also works to secure additional scholarships from the local business community and other independent sources within Haiti to ensure that every graduate has the opportunity to attend university.

Pie chart with alumni fields of study information
  • Assists with job placement and career development

The DCCA works with Louverture Cleary alumni and local employers to help alumni secure jobs in their fields and advance their careers in Haiti.

  • Sources in-kind support for Louverture Cleary School from the Haitian business community

Partnerships with the Haitian business community come in a variety of forms–donations, scholarships, jobs–and are essential to providing Louverture Cleary School and its graduates with the proper resources for positively changing Haiti.

Special thanks to Frank and Jill Dulcich for making the lead gift establishing an endowment to ensure the DCCA may continue to serve Louverturians for generations to come.