Celebrating the LCS Class of 2021 with a Special Issue of Haitian Project News


Louverture Cleary School has graduated its 26th graduating class! The 50 members of the LCS Class of 2021 received their diplomas and joined the ranks of over 700 Louverture Cleary alumni who are transforming their communities and their country.

The 2021 Philo (U.S. 12th Grade + 1) class faced a challenging year. Daily activities such as class, meals, and community service included social distancing, mask wearing, and the enforcement of new hygiene practices necessary in a boarding school community. They also faced the loss of highly-anticipated activities like team sports, all-school holiday celebrations, and interaction with the surrounding neighborhood.

But they persevered, eager to move forward to embrace their call to rebuild their nation from within. Now, looking ahead toward the future, the LCS Class of 2021 is well-equipped with their formation as they go on to university, professional careers, raising families, and more.

Catch the full story in the July Special Graduation Issue of Haitian Project News. In the meantime, here are a few highlights:

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Things were difficult for us students and for the members of the Direction this year. Even if it was difficult to have a normal school year, it was important because students are the future of Haiti. Being at LCS was a sign that the objective to rebuild Haiti had not changed. We still have to work to make Haiti better.

—Lookendy Dukens C. (LCS '21)

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LCS taught me values that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Every single day of the seven years I spent in this community taught me something new. It’s not easy to achieve the seven years ─ sometimes we fall or might want to give up, but the main thing is to get up and to continue to pursue our dream because at the end of the day we know what we are fighting for.

—Barotie A. (LCS '21)

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It was very difficult for us to adapt this year.... However, as Louverturians, we can face any situation in life even if it’s difficult. For now, I have many things in mind, but one of my big dreams is to be an engineer; it’s how I will help rebuild Haiti.

—Patrice C. (LCS '21)

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For the future, my plans are to enter a university to learn Economics and find a job to help my family and people around me…. My LCS education will help me in my discipline, my abilities to work hard… whatever difficulties that could appear, I will find a way to succeed in my life because my LCS education is unique.

—Alberline D. (LCS '21)

Celebrating the Class of 2021 in Pictures

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Graduates receive their diplomas from LCS Director of Academics Marjorie M. (LCS ’07) (left) and LCS Head of School Ernst V. (right).

More photos and quotes are featured in the special July Graduation Issue of Haitian Project News!

As always, YOU are the help we have to give. Celebrate Louverture Cleary School's 26th graduating class by giving in their honor!

And look how far they've come! A few of our graduates with their Sizyèm (U.S. 7th Grade) class photos!

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Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


The Haitian Project Breaks Ground on Second School in The Louverture Cleary Schools Network

The Haitian Project (THP) is thrilled to announce that we have officially broken ground on our next school in Haiti's Plateau Central region in the Diocese of Gonaïves!

Patrick Brun, head of THP’s partner foundations in Haiti and Haitian private-sector leader (kneeling, center), with workers constructing the perimeter wall of Louverture Cleary School 2

Patrick B., head of THP’s partner foundations in Haiti and Haitian private-sector leader (kneeling, center), with workers constructing the perimeter wall of Louverture Cleary School 2

Building on three decades of success at our flagship Louverture Cleary School (LCS) just outside of Port-au-Prince, this second school and "Model Campus" will be replicated to create The Louverture Cleary Schools Network, a national system of 10 top-notch, tuition-free, Catholic secondary boarding schools combined with a robust university scholarship program.

The $7.4 million Model Campus project represents Phase One of the LCS Network plan and encompasses site development and construction of the Model Campus, as well as the development of the sites and initial buildings for LCS 3 and 4.

Each new school will be established in a different diocese/department of Haiti, increasing access to quality education outside of the nation’s capital.

The Model Campus will be an anchor institution that positively integrates into the local and regional economy, providing resources and socioeconomic support to stimulate the community’s natural development. In order to enhance the stability and productivity of the school and the community in which it is embedded, THP is collaborating with local institutions, organizations and individuals to choose and execute projects with economic and environmental benefits for the greater community.

The Haitian Project Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin assists in placing the first stones in the foundation of the perimeter wall;

The Haitian Project Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin assists in placing the first stones in the foundation of the perimeter wall

The front perimeter wall of LCS 2, now visible above ground

The front perimeter wall of LCS 2, now visible above ground

Building upon LCS’s legacy of environmental responsibility, the Model Campus will be a catalyst for sustainability in the region. From more traditional waste management practices like recycling and composting, to hands-on experience with solar and other innovative green technologies, Louverture Cleary Schools students will gain an understanding of the importance of environmental stewardship to combat vicious cycles of environmental degradation in Haiti. The Model Campus and all campuses in the LCS Network will be 100 percent solar powered.

The Model Campus is designed to be safe and efficient with beautiful buildings that will support the comfort of staff and students. It will include dedicated spaces for an early childhood development program, soccer fields, basketball courts, and open land for agriculture and/or power production for the benefit of the school as well as the surrounding community.

As THP President Reese Grondin remarks on this exciting time in the Project's history:

Breaking ground on the Model Campus has been nothing short of momentous. It makes the Network vision concrete. And it affirms a brighter future for Haiti, built by and for Haitians themselves. There could not be a more exciting time to be a part of the THP community. I sincerely hope many more people will join us. New giving puts wind in our sails, and there is no better investment in Haiti than education!

The Model Campus graphic reveals the physical plant of LCS 2, a campus designed to be safe and efficient with beautiful buildings that prioritize energy self-sufficiency and environmental sustainability.

The Model Campus graphic reveals the physical plant of LCS 2, a campus designed to be safe and efficient with beautiful buildings that prioritize energy self-sufficiency and environmental sustainability.

Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Join The Haitian Project for Mission Sunday in RI This Summer

You and your family are invited as The Haitian Project President Reese Grondin speaks at Masses at four Rhode Island churches this summer. Special collections will be taken to support The Haitian Project and its mission to provide tuition-free, Catholic, secondary education in Haiti through The Louverture Cleary Schools Network.

Every year, each parish in the Diocese of Providence invites a mission to speak to its community. This initiative is driven by the Pontifical Mission Society of the Propagation of the Faith, which promotes a universal missionary spirit of prayer and sacrifice among Catholics and supports the work of missionaries within the Church.

All are welcome!

Questions? Contact our RI office at (401) 351-3624 or [email protected]. We're happy to help!

join us for Mission Sunday at these parishes this summer:

JUNE 26th & 27th

Holy Angels Catholic Church
341 Maple Avenue, Barrington, RI 02806
Saturday Vigil, June 26: 4 pm
Sunday, June 27: 11 am

St. Alexander Church
221 Main Street, Warren, RI 02885
Sunday, June 27: 9 am

July 10th & 11th

St. Joseph Church
854 Providence Street, West Warwick, RI
Saturday Vigil, July 10: 5 pm
Sunday, July 11: 8:30 am, 11 am

July 17th & 18th

St. Luke's Parish
108 Washington Road, Barrington, RI
Saturday Vigil: 5 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 11 am


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


We're Excited to Announce the June Issue of Haitian Project News!

The LCS Class of 2021 is looking forward to graduation in July.

The LCS Class of 2021 is looking forward to graduation in July.

The June issue of Haitian Project News typically celebrates graduation at Louverture Cleary School and features the latest Philo (US 12th grade + 1) graduates going on to university, jobs, and leadership. This year, the celebration and milestone for the graduating class of Louverturians is... in July!

What else is new in this issue? Read about:

  • The Haitian Project hosted its inaugural Community Roundtable in May, Creating the LCS Network, which featured the latest progress on the Model Campus (LCS 2).

  • The Louverture Cleary School campus outside of Port-au-Prince appears as an oasis in a dry, dusty part of Haiti; its lush greenery and variety of birds are just a few of the results of decades of environmental education and stewardship such as composting and recycling practiced at the school.

  • And all of latest THP happenings... you are not going to want to miss
    the June issue of Haitian Project News!

Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


The Haitian Project's 2020 Annual Report is here!

As you read The Haitian Project’s 2020 Annual Report, we hope you are proud of what YOU have made possible and the work we did TOGETHER for Haiti.

Here are some of our favorite sections of the 2020 Annual Report, especially this quote from graduate Christy Mikerline J.:

“For my future, I plan to be a doctor so that I can serve my country and heal sick people who can’t pay for treatment by themselves. I think that’s a chance that I have. The chance is not only for me, it is also for my family and my country too.”

See Christy's quote, along with others from the LCS Class of 2020, on the back cover of the Annual Report. Be sure to also check out the...

  • Highlights from 2020..... page 6

  • Success Stats..... page 8

  • LCS Alumni Stories..... pages 10-11

Thanks again for your support last year. Please continue to stand with us as we push ahead with historic plans to increase access to education in Haiti through The Louverture Cleary Schools Network!

The Haitian Project is committed to the highest level of transparency. Because of our focus on communicating actual results and impact, GuideStar has awarded us their 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency.

You can be proud of your support for The Haitian Project. Thank you for always being the help we have to give!


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Today's the Day to Choose Your Summer Reading While Supporting THP!

Today's the day! Cluny Media will donate 40 percent of sales to benefit The Haitian Project!

Looking to get a jump on your summer reading and support The Haitian Project?

Shop at clunymedia.com today and Cluny Media will donate 40 percent of sales to benefit The Haitian Project!

Cluny Media has been supporting THP since 2017. They were born from a love for Catholic tradition which led to the formation of a publishing house dedicated to preserving and promoting Catholic literary and intellectual traditions. Cluny Media offers a catalog of one hundred-plus titles and numerous award-winning authors and contributors to choose from.

Choose your summer reading while supporting THP: click here to go to the Cluny Media website.


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


"You get a chance at life..."

“You go through Louverture Cleary and you get a chance at life.”
— Patrick B., head of THP’s partner foundations in Haiti and Haitian private-sector leader, THP Community Roundtable: Creating the LCS Network, May 2021

The Haitian Project recently hosted its inaugural Community Roundtable, Creating the LCS Network, a virtual discussion on the current status of The Louverture Cleary Schools Network featuring the head of THP’s partner foundations in Haiti and Haitian private-sector leader Patrick Brun and THP Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin.

One of the highlights of the event was the reveal of a 3-D rendering of the next school (LCS 2), the Model Campus that will eventually be replicated across Haiti. The graphic reveals the physical plant of LCS 2, a campus designed to be safe and efficient with beautiful buildings and that prioritizes energy self-sufficiency, environmental sustainability, comfort for staff and students, and integration into the surrounding community. Other areas of campus include dedicated spaces for the early childhood development program, a soccer field, basketball courts, and open land for agriculture and/or power production.

Everything about the Model Campus is designed to allow the LCS Network to become a beacon of hope and transformation in Haiti.

A 3-D rendering of the LCS Model Campus designed by architect and long-time THP supporter Scott Hill was revealed during the Community Roundtable, Creating the LCS Network, in May.

A 3-D rendering of the LCS Model Campus designed by architect and long-time THP supporter Scott Hill was revealed during the Community Roundtable, Creating the LCS Network, in May.

Here are just a few of our favorite moments from the Roundtable:

Patrick B. on why the Network must succeed (watch clip):

The Network is exactly what Haiti needs at this moment. The reason why the Network is so important, the reason why we want to see it become a reality, is because if you have been following the news about Haiti, the history of Haiti, you will realize the importance of education to resolve the problems of the country. This program specifically is the largest program in education that the country will ever see, and this will definitely turn Haiti around—having this renewal of qualified young people that are attached to their country and that want to see their country moving forward and participating in the life of their country.

Jimi Grondin on the design differences between the Model Campus and the existing LCS outside of Port-au-Prince (watch clip):

There is a huge [design] difference [between the current LCS campus and the Model Campus]. The biggest thing is that we have lots of space. The LCS campus outside of Port-au-Prince was built out organically and adapted from what was there originally and the land that became available as the years rolled on. Here is the opportunity to build from scratch and to have someplace where we have enough room for everything.

The key here is it's our Model Campus. We've seen over 35 years how LCS is a model for education in general, and this, our Model Campus, is not just a model for education, but a model physical plant with the possibilities it can lead to.

A video of the Community Roundtable can be viewed by clicking the button below. Please look for more Roundtables on exciting topics in the future!


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Happy Haitian Heritage Month!

L’Union Fait La Force... Unity Makes Strength

May is a month to celebrate the proud history and people of Haiti.

If you follow news about Haiti, then you have probably noticed how the words “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere” are consistently appended to Haiti’s name. Yet, people are much more than the state of their economy. They have talents, hopes, dreams, and indeed a history that transcends per-capita income. This is important to remember always—but especially during Haitian Heritage Month.

Haiti, in fact, is the world’s second oldest republic and the first nation to permanently ban slavery. Haiti was an example and beacon of freedom for its neighbors in the Americas and especially those enslaved in the U.S. antebellum South, including Frederick Douglass.

Haiti has certainly faced significant headwinds over the years, driven by the international community and natural disasters, as well as internal politics. But, challenges are not the definition of a people; they are only mountains to summit together.

Haitian Heritage Month is a time to remember to always elevate Haitian voices. To celebrate Haiti’s history, here are the voices of the proud students at Louverture Cleary School outside of Port-au-Prince:

Nia Camille, Rheto (US 12th grade)

Nia C., Rheto (US 12th grade)

Being born in the first black country to end slavery is the greatest legacy one could have from its ancestors. This heritage does not only bring pride to me, but it also brings a responsibility which is to preserve it from fading away. I am very proud to be a Haitian, and it is my duty to live up to my ancestors and encourage my fellow citizens to honor our heritage.
–Nia C., Rheto (US 12th grade)

Makinista Bonhomme, Philo (US 12th grade +1)

Mosanto P., Philo (US 12th grade +1)

Being Haitian makes me feel free, strong, and valuable. I consider myself as raw gold being refined. Being Haitian provides me with a high-rated pride because we are very resilient people. We are strong, but stronger when together. Our specialty is deeply rooted in our history as the first republic of black people who fought for human rights and helped abolish slavery around the around.
–Mosanto P., Philo (US 12th grade +1)

Makinista Bonhomme, Philo (US 12th grade +1)

Makinista B., Philo (US 12th grade +1)

As a Haitian, I am very proud of what we have achieved in the history of humanity. We are a strong people. Even though we are poor, our ancestors fought against slavery; we are still struggling today, but we keep a strong mindset and have pride.
–Makinista B., Philo (US 12th grade +1)

The Haitian flag states L’Union Fait La Force... Unity Makes Strength. Together, we work to ensure that Haiti’s future servant-leaders are able to build a bright future for themselves, their communities, and their country.

Thank you for being a part of The Haitian Project community.


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Join Us May 5th for a Virtual Discussion about THP's Expansion Plan

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Join us on Wednesday, May 5th, for a virtual discussion on creating The Louverture Cleary Schools Network.

On Wednesday, May 5th, from 5:00—5:40pm ET, The Haitian Project will host its inaugural “Community Roundtable” virtual event featuring a moderated discussion with THP Board Member and head of THP's partner foundations in Haiti Patrick Brun and THP Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin.

Patrick and Jimi will discuss The Haitian Project’s Network Plan and progress to date in developing the next Louverture Cleary School — the Model Campus — in Haiti’s Central Plateau region. They also look forward to answering questions from the community.

This is a great chance to have your questions answered about THP’s expansion plan and meet some of the people making it all happen. Attend if you can—and please feel encouraged to bring a friend (or two!).

To RSVP, simply reply to this email to let us know you’d like to attend.

THP Board Member and head of THP partner foundations in Haiti Patrick Brun (right) and THP Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin (center) look out over a potential school site in Les Cayes, Haiti.

THP Board Member and head of THP partner foundations in Haiti Patrick B. (right) and THP Director of New School Construction Jimi Grondin (center) look out over a potential school site in Les Cayes, Haiti.


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.

Working for a Brighter (and Greener!) Future

In a country lacking the infrastructure and capacity to support a sanitation system, Louverture Cleary students prepare recyclables with a commitment to environmental stewardship.

In a country lacking the infrastructure and capacity to support a sanitation system, Louverture Cleary students prepare recyclables with a commitment to environmental stewardship.

With an education and a commitment to sharing their talents with others, a Louverture Cleary School (LCS) graduate is equipped with the tools to escape the threat of poverty AND be a good environmental steward of their country.

Long before your local superstore had bins designated for recycling, paper, and plastic waste, LCS students and Missionaries were sorting and repurposing waste, turning compost, and being a good environmental neighbor to the other residents of Santo 5, ensuring that no piece of trash ever left campus.

Salomon Asmath (left), LCS alumnus class of 1998 and partner at Haitian solar company Energy Central, installing solar panels with a technician on the roof of the Louverture Cleary School Radia Laboratory of Science and Technology.

Salomon A. (left), LCS alumnus class of 1998 and partner at Haitian solar company Energy Central, installing solar panels with a technician on the roof of the Louverture Cleary School Radia Laboratory of Science and Technology.

LCS is also a trailblazer in using solar energy and remains a solar-powered school. Through being active participants in environmental stewardship while on campus, LCS students are constantly learning how caring for the environment benefits the world around them.

To celebrate Earth Day 2021, we are sharing what Louverturians over the years have had to say about being part of a green community...

"My favorite work on campus is to take care of the trees or plants, putting compost to them, and watering them. The importance of this work is based on the good care of the campus, which will make everyone appreciate nature more."

“I like the incinerator and the compost. The incinerator helps us remove our trash from LCS. The ash from the incinerator helps the compost. The compost helps the growing of the plants. These two environmental practices at LCS change our trash into treasures. In this way, and others, LCS makes gold for the community and the country."

“My favorite environmental practice at LCS is recycling, because I like when I am putting things in their assigned places and turning disorder into order. I don’t know of any other places in Haiti that do clean up, recycling, and management like at LCS, but hopefully there will be."

LCS Philo student (US 12th Grade + 1) Perkens Louissaint turns compost at the school's Compost Center. LCS Santo 5 has a long history of composting for its environmental benefits. Says Perkens, "When we prepare compost and do it well, it becomes a v…

LCS Philo student (US 12th Grade + 1) Perkens L. turns compost at the school's Compost Center. LCS has a long history of composting for its environmental benefits. Says Perkens, "When we prepare compost and do it well, it becomes a very important substance for the plants, brings them nutrients, and helps them grow better to create a green world."

The Go Go Go Compost poem decorates the compost pile at Louverture Cleary School. The school has a long history of composting for its environmental benefits.

The Go Go Go Compost poem decorates the compost pile at Louverture Cleary School. The school has a long history of composting for its environmental benefits.

As an eco-friendly campus designed for positive social and environmental impact, LCS was and is a trailblazer in Haiti. Now, these green initiatives along with other sustainable technologies will be integral to each of the nine new schools of the Louverture Cleary Schools Network.


Keep In Touch to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.