The April issue of Haitian Project News features the rigorous process that takes place each year to select those who will become Louverturians.
Read all about it...
Have you ever wondered how someone becomes a Louverturian? Louverture Cleary School is well known in Haiti for educating and forming excellent students, employees, leaders, and citizens. But did you know there is a rigorous multi-step process of exams, interviews, home visits, and orientation carried out by a team of seasoned LCS administration and staff that takes place each year to select those who will become Louverturians? Read all about it in the latest issue of Haitian Project News!
What else is new in this issue?
In the fall of 2021, Haiti’s Commission Nationale des Marchés Publics (National Public Procurement Commission) held a national essay contest for final year and graduating university students. When the top ten finalists were announced, not one, but TWO Louverture Cleary School alumni were among them!
Every year on Jan. 1st, Haitian Independence Day, Haitians everywhere celebrate with traditional pumpkin soup, or soup joumou. Some THP community members have shared their soup joumou recipes—find out where you can find them.
And more of the latest THP happenings—you are not going to want to miss the April issue of Haitian Project News!
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