The August Special Graduation Issue of Haitian Project News is Here!

What's featured in the August 2024 special issue of Haitian Project News?


Louverture Cleary School Principal Carena A. (center) with members of the graduating class of 2024.


The Haitian Project and Louverture Cleary School celebrated the school’s 29th graduation on Saturday, July 27th!

The August issue of Haitian Project News celebrates these new Louverture Cleary alumni and features photos and quotes of their hopes and plans for a brighter future for Haiti.

Read all about the incredible young men and women of the LCS Class of 2024 in the August issue of Haitian Project News

I hope to use my unique talents and skills to make a positive impact in the world. For Haiti, I hope for social justice and equality, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. I also hope to preserve our rich cultural heritage, while embracing innovation and modernity. Most importantly, I hope for peace and stability.
— Keynia J. (LCS Class of 2024)

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Congratulations, LCS Class of 2024!

Life is not easy. I hope that I can find my own way to get to my Olympus, the top of my mountain. At the end [of my life], I want to be proud of it. It is for this reason that I plan to be the leaven in the dough, able to give hope where it does not exist — because Haiti, my country, needs that.
— Neidell G., LCS Class of 2024

Graduation at LCS is an opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of the Philo (13th grade) class in the face of daunting obstacles, to express gratitude for the many gifts received, including the tremendous support of all those (family, teachers, peers, etc.) who accompanied the graduates to this point, and to honor and celebrate the students’ commitment to a purpose greater than themselves.

In Haiti, graduating from high school is always a significant event and not to be taken for granted. The obstacles are many.

As noted by LCS graduate Esther Paul, The Haitian Project's director of accounting and compliance, this graduating class in particular had a steeper climb from the outset:

“Their seven years at LCS was significantly disrupted by the following: peyi lok [countrywide lockdown] for all of 2018 and 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in 2020, the assassination of President Jovenal Moïse in the summer of 2021, a resurgence of cholera in 2022, and the horrific effects of ongoing gang violence and insecurity." 

In spite of all of these challenges, the Louverture Cleary community celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2024 on Saturday.

We congratulate the graduates, and thank them for their commitment to becoming Louverturians. We take inspiration from the LCS community who have so clearly embodied the path forward together. And we wish that each and every Louverturian finds their way to the top of their Olympus.

Felisitasyon, Class of 2024!

2024 Class Mural at Louverture Cleary School: The LCS Class of 2024 chose Olympus for their class name, signifying their strength in adversity and their unity in their heavenly pursuit, for themselves and for Haiti. 

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


LCS Outreach Program: Empowering and Educating

Participants of Klèb Jenn Moun in a recent detergent-making workshop 

Drawing from The Haitian Project’s Charism (spiritual identity), service is at the core of Louverture Cleary School. The LCS Outreach Program is an example of the Charism in action, offering a wide variety of services to support the school's neighborhood community. 

One important support activity is Klèb Jenn Moun (Young People/Youth Club), whose members are teens and young adults from the neighborhood around the school. The club is facilitated by staff and older students with the purpose to empower, educate, and include young community members in the formative culture of LCS. 

Detergent-making supplies in a recent Klèb Jenn Moun workshop

In late June, the LCS Outreach Program hosted a detergent-making workshop for approximately 60 Jenn Moun members. Continuing the practice of giving back to the community, the workshop was organized by three LCS graduates and also facilitated by an LCS alum.

The goal of the training, as explained by Outreach Program Director Carolande L. (LCS ’15), was "to teach the youth of the club how to make detergent in order to equip them with practical skills, innovation, and self-sufficiency, and to create entrepreneurial opportunities."

Whether it is providing the youth of the neighborhood with life skills through Klèb Jenn Moun, giving parents a safe place to send their children through the  Koukouy Sen Klè early childhood development program, offering tutoring to neighborhood children and young adults through the Lekòl Ankourajman after-school tutoring program, or providing other forms of essential support, the LCS Community Outreach Program is just one way the LCS community lives its commitment to put others first through service.

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


The June Issue of Haitian Project News is Here!

Louverturians, gathered here at Morning Assembly after the campus reopened to students, were well positioned to resume studies.

The June issue of Haitian Project News is here! What's featured in this issue?

LCS Campus Alive and Spirited Again: In the March issue of Haitian Project News, it was reported that students were remaining home for their safety due to the increased insecurity in the area around Louverture Cleary School. After weeks of limited activity on campus, LCS welcomed its students back on May 12th!

Moving Forward, Continuing to Serve: During the period of weeks this spring when Louverture Cleary students were asked to stay at home as a precaution given the potential risks associated with traveling to campus, Louverture Cleary School adapted so that it could continue to serve as a lifeline to its students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding neighborhood. During the break in onsite learning, school and community families were provided with food and hygiene kits, and school leadership developed strategies which allowed LCS students to continue their studies at home until they could return to campus.

25 Years of Impact through Design: THP community member Dan Wykes first became involved with The Haitian Project in 1999. Since then, Dan has generously provided graphic design and layout expertise in the production of THP’s annual reports for 25 years running! 

Contributing to the Transformation of Haiti: In April 2024, Fred E. became the second executive director of Fondation Haitian Project, The Haitian Project’s partner foundation in Haiti and the local entity responsible for the management of school programs and the development of the Louverture Cleary Schools Network. 

And much, much more!

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


THP Featured in the Rhode Island Catholic

“THP has also been an excellent steward of resources over the years,” Grondin said. “This helps provide the financial flexibility to do what is necessary to support our students, staff and surrounding community today, while ensuring that our mission continues for generations. And that’s exactly the plan as we work to build a national network of ten Louverture Cleary Schools across Haiti.”
— Rhode Island Catholic, June 20, 2024

The Haitian Project's commitment to its mission was featured this week in the Rhode Island Catholic"Catholic secondary school in Haiti, with local ties, reopens for learning amid ongoing political unrest."

There is no question that the situation in Haiti is extremely difficult and complex. But as we have said before, ours is a generational commitment and vision. And with your continued partnership in our mission, our work together will help provide Haitians with the tools they need to realize their full potential and build a brighter future for their country. 

Thank you for your support of our work for Haiti.

Logo with two circles, The Haitian Project in center, and Matthew 10:8 scripture

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


The Campus is "Alive and Spirited" Again 

Girl in uniform standing on bench in front of assembly of students in uniforms

Louverture Cleary students listen to announcements during morning assembly earlier this week.

Louverturians are back!

After a period of limited activity on campus, Louverture Cleary School welcomed its students back to campus last month.

This highly-anticipated return followed students remaining home for their safety due to the increased insecurity in the area around LCS. Ahead of the reopening, LCS staff convened under the guidance of Fondation Haitian Project (FHP) President Patrick B., FHP Executive Director Fred E., LCS Director of Operations Nicolenne P., and LCS Principal Alexandre C. to ensure that the school was ready for the students' return.

In the words of Patrick, once the students arrived “the campus was alive and spirited again.”

LCS students raise the U.S. and Haitian flags during a recent morning assembly.

During the break in onsite learning, LCS staff provided students with study guides and created student groups by class and subject, allowing LCS students to continue their studies at home until they could return to campus.

LCS staff continue to adapt for the modified school year, ensuring that all necessary requirements to complete this year and begin the next are met, including preparing the Philo (13th grade) class for graduation and their state baccalaureate exams.

Graduation is currently scheduled for late July, and the Class of 2024 will be well equipped for their next steps.

Boy and girl student in uniform raising the U.S. and Haitian flags in front of other students in uniform

LCS students raise the U.S. and Haitian flags during a recent morning assembly.

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


The Haitian Project's 2023 Annual Report is Here!

We are excited to share The Haitian Project's 2023 Annual Report!

In 2023, the Louverture Cleary School community dedicated themselves to the common vision of a brighter future for Haiti, worked together, and ensured that The Haitian Project’s mission continued to succeed despite the historic challenges facing their country.

At the same time, The Haitian Project’s U.S. community rose to the occasion and achieved a historic fundraising year, building a foundation of support to help ensure that more children in Haiti will have access to a transformative Louverture Cleary education.

As you read The Haitian Project's 2023 Annual Report, we hope you are proud of the work we did TOGETHER for Haiti.

Here are some of our favorite sections of the 2023 Annual Report, especially this quote from graduating Philo (13th grade) student Joovica Jenny J.:

“My hope for Haiti's future is to have educated people, because education is the first step towards development. If we ever want to rebuild Haiti, it should start with educated citizens who are aware of their responsibilities and have the capacity to contribute to Haiti's development."

See Joovica's quote, along with others from the LCS Class of 2023, on the back cover of the Annual Report. 


Haitian teacher in classroom helping students sitting at table

Few individuals play a more significant role encouraging and building up Haiti’s next generation of servant-leaders than the LCS alumni who return to the school to serve as members of the staff and administration. And in a year of severe unrest in Haiti, their professionalism, courage, and sense of mission helped keep an entire community moving forward against all odds. 

Read more on the LCS alumni who serve the LCS community on pages 10 & 11 of the Annual Report.

And did you know?

Large grassy field with blue sky in background and red dirt road in foreground

Despite challenges in 2023, the first phase of construction on The Haitian Project's second school, the Model Campus in the Diocese of Gonaïves, is complete—and a site for an additional Louverture Cleary School has been identified in Haiti's southern peninsula in the Diocese of Anse-à-Veau and Miragoâne!

Be sure to check out more on the progress of the LCS Network on page 5.

Design work on The Haitian Project's 2023 Annual Report donated by Dan Wykes.

Thanks again for your support last year. It is abundantly clear that Haiti needs more Louverturians, servant-leaders who not only have the commitment but also the tools necessary to build up their country, creating the positive, long-term change that Haiti needs.

Please continue to stand with us as we provide critical support to the entire Louverture Cleary community and push ahead with historic plans to increase access to education in Haiti! 

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Living Out the Spirit

(From left) Fondation Haitian Project (FHP) staff member Dady V., outgoing FHP Executive Director Stéphanie B., head of FHP Patrick B., and incoming FHP Executive Director Fred E. stand by food kits to be distributed to LCS families.

The Haitian Project (THP) and Louverture Cleary School (LCS) communities have always taken their foundational principle of Matthew 10:8 to heart. Living out the spirit of “what we have received for free, we must give for free,” Fondation Haitian Project (FHP), THP's partner foundation in Haiti, was recently able to provide food and hygiene kits to the families of 233 LCS students. The remaining families will pick up their kits over the next week.

Through his extensive business relationships, head of FHP Patrick B. secured food from a nearby bulk distributor for the effort. He, along with a small and dedicated team including FHP’s incoming Executive Director Fred E., outgoing FHP Executive Director Stéphanie B., LCS Principal Myriam J. (LCS '10), and LCS Director of Operations Nicolenne P., worked together to ensure the kits were available to all LCS families, along with families from the neighborhood around the school.

Incoming FHP Executive Director Fred E. (left) and head of FHP Patrick B. (foreground, right) with families receiving food kits.

Because LCS has not been in session due to the recent escalation in gang violence, the Foundation was able to use funds that would normally support meals on the Louverture Cleary campus to provide these substantial kits, which included food items such as rice, beans, corn, salmon, milk, oil, and supplies for laundry and hygiene.  

From a logistical standpoint, this labor of love involved countless hours of work to measure and re-bag rice, beans and other items from bulk, communication with families, and careful orchestration amidst travel and security challenges. It also included bringing in additional staff to assist with sewing the large bags closed so that recipients could more easily transport the bags to their homes.  

As Stéphanie B. noted:

“[Families] have been in great need due to the crisis in Haiti. It was heartwarming to see how much they appreciated the gesture, which came to them as a complete surprise. We are all very grateful that we were able to provide these families with some relief while [LCS] students are home, and until it is possible for them to safely return to school.” 

The support extended beyond LCS families to include a generous donation to LCS’s partner in Cité Soleil, Le Bon Samaritain de Varreux School, to help provide food for hundreds of vulnerable elementary school students and their families.  

The LCS administration has received messages from many appreciative families. In the words of one parent:

“We say 'thank you' to all the leadership of Louverture Cleary for this beautiful gesture. May God continue to protect you, may God continue to bless all the Foundation’s donors. May God bless all of you in abundance."

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


Join THP at Parishes in RI on April 20th & 21st

Banner of THP Mission Cooperative Program

Please join The Haitian Project this month as THP participates in the Diocese of Providence's Mission Cooperation Program!

The Haitian Project often notes that a mission is only as strong as the community that sends it. Thanks to the Diocese of Providence and the parishes that will welcome The Haitian Project on April 20th and 21st, the Project will have the opportunity to share its authentic Catholic mission work with a new audience through the diocese’s Mission Cooperation Program.

The Mission Cooperation Program is an annual initiative, both locally and globally, when missionaries visit parishes to increase mission awareness and bear witness to, and raise support for, their work. THP President Reese Grondin will be speaking at Masses in two parish communities in the Westerly, RI, area this month. 

Please join us!

Graphic with St. Anthony Church address and Mass times

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.


THANK YOU to All of Our 401Gives Supporters!

We are so grateful for the outpouring of support in honor of our mission of education in Haiti.

Special thanks to our Quahog Matchers and Littleneck Campaigners!

Thank you to our donors for making this event both possible and our most successful year yet, raising $75,124!

We took advantage of all $20,000 in matching funds, exceeded our goal with over 130 donors, and ranked #7 on the 401Gives leaderboard out of 597 Rhode Island nonprofits!

Thank you again to everyone who made this 5th annual online fundraiser such a success!

“Keep In Touch” to receive periodic updates on our students, activities at Louverture Cleary School, and progress on the LCS Network. Together, we can build a bright and enduring future for Haiti.