Maybe you haven’t noticed, but we here at The Haitian Project ask for help—a lot.
We ask for financial contributions to run one of the best education programs in Haiti, to be good stewards of our common home by providing solar power to campus, to be good neighbors to those who live around the school, and now, of course, to create a national network of Louverture Cleary Schools.
We ask for volunteers to help us stuff, label and mail our newsletters and other correspondence, make phone calls, and bring food for potluck dinners.
We ask for people to give a year of their lives (or more!) as missionary volunteers in Haiti.
We ask for people to serve on The Haitian Project’s board and committees.
We could keep going. But the point is, the reason we opened our doors to just a handful of students 34 years ago and the reason why construction is now in full swing on our second campus are exactly the same.
It’s because at one point or another, each one of you just said yes, and in doing so, put someone else—our students—before yourselves.
And today, it’s time for us to just say thanks. Go ahead—look for a donate button. You won’t find one. We may have had to lock our VP Colby Bowker in the closet to pull this off but, hey—that’s how much you matter!
We are truly grateful (Colby, too) to each and every member of this community, whether, as our Charism says, you have chosen to respond with yes for a period of weeks, a year, or a lifetime.
And finally, because we here at The Haitian Project are all proud Rhode Islanders (by affiliation, at the very least), a Thanksgiving email wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t dust off the little observed “quahurkey”.
What is a quahurkey? Well, it involves a turkey and a quahog, and if you come visit us in the Ocean State one day, we’ll give you a complete lesson in Rhode Island lore. (You could Google it too—but, hey, where’s the fun in that?)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to local illustrator and cartoon artist Nico Ecenarro for creating our quahurkey!
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