LCS Dean of Students Myriam Jean B. (left) stands with students at the flag raising ceremony on opening day.
Read all about it...
A new school year has started at LCS! Following a summer that saw the assassination of the nation’s president and a devastating earthquake about 80 miles west of the school, Louverture Cleary School opened on time, equipped with experience and determination to continue its mission of forming the future leaders of Haiti.
What else is new in this issue?
In June, a long-awaited and highly-anticipated event occurred: The
Haitian Project officially broke ground on its next school in Haiti's Plateau Central region in the Diocese of Gonaïves. Since then, the wall at LCS 2 (the “Model Campus”) is nearly complete, security cameras have been installed, and solar powered lights are illuminating the grounds!
The Haitian Project is proud to introduce the amazing Haitian faculty and staff who work every day to ensure that Louverture Cleary School is one of the very best secondary education programs in Haiti. The first of this series features LCS Principal Marjorie Mombrun (LCS ’07).
And all of latest THP happenings... you are not going to want to miss
the September issue of Haitian Project News!
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