Father Maxo J. C. celebrates the first Mass of the new school year on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
The Louverture Cleary School community gathered for Mass today to celebrate the opening of school and observe the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This all-school celebration of the Eucharist marked the first LCS Mass for the new Sizyem (U.S. 7th Grade) students.
Mass was celebrated by Fr. Maxo J.C., a Catholic priest with the local Camillian community, who is also serving this year as a Religion teacher at LCS. LCS students participated as readers, altar servers, and members of the LCS Choir, which beautifully led the school in song.
After so much time apart during the delay of school opening, it was wonderful to see the school community come together in such a unifying and prayerful way. All-school Mass is always a joyful way to continue to live out The Haitian Project’s Charism (spiritual identity) as a community.
Having Fr. Maxo as part of the LCS community not only benefits the school with more frequent opportunities to attend Mass, but also provides opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation to Catholic members of our community.
Please join the school in prayer and ask for Our Lady's intercession on behalf of Haiti, our community, and for all of us to say our own fiat (yes) to God's call to us.
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